

Farmers Movement 2020. Will the government bow down to the farmers? What will be the result of the Farmers Protest?

Why are Farmers Protesting ?

For the last 95 days, farmers across the country have been agitating against the government at different places. 

A large number of farmers are sitting permanently. They made a temporary shelters with tents and home on tractors trolleys on the Singhu Border Tikari Border and Ghazipur Border . 

The situation of deadlock remains with the farmers and the government and there is no visible result of the Farmers movement. ‌ Both the government and the farmers are adamant on their stubbornness.

Meanwhile, on January 26, farmers held a tractor rally in Delhi in which some anti-social elements ransacked the Red Fort and hoisted the religious flag.

Many farmers have lost their lives in the midst of the movement. ‌ Farmers spend their nights on the Delhi border amid rain in the winter.

After all, why that farmers are bearing so much pain. There is something that the farmer is not ready to give up or the government is not ready to understand the farmers. This movement is matter of life and death for the Farmers.

During this demonstration, several rounds of talks were held between the central government and the farmer leaders but no result was found. There was no way out of meeting Home Minister Amit Shah with some representatives of farmer organisations.

Farmers sitting on the borders of Delhi day and night are demanding withdrawal of the three laws, while the central government is ready to amend some controversial parts of the law. The government is also claiming that the new laws will not harm farmers.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister has spoken of continuing the MSP in Parliament. The Prime Minister is just a phone call away from farmers, farmers can talk whenever they want as told by PM Modi. 

On this, Rakesh Tikait, spokesperson of the Bharatiya Kisan Union, says that the Prime Minister has said about the phone call but at which number to talk, he has not been told.

It is clear that both the government and the farmer are not ready to listen.

The Agricultural laws 2020

 1. Farmer Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Simplification) Act-2020

Under this law, farmers can sell and sell their agricultural products in the open market apart from the APMC mandi. Farmers can sell their crop in any state. Under this law, private companies are given an open exemption to purchase.F

Farmer's concerns

  • Farmers say that private companies have been kept separate from the tax net by the government, while the mandi system that has been in operation for years has been kept within the tax.

  • Initially, these private companies will buy at a good price and people will go to the mandis and sell the crop to the private company. This will gradually eliminate the mandi system and the monopoly of private companies. ‌ Later these companies will do arbitrary and will give us a lower price.

  • Farmers say that if they sell their crop outside the market of APMC at market rate, then they may get benefit for a short time but later there will be no guarantee of payment at fixed rate like MSP. given an open exemption to purchase.

  • Farmers say that if they sell their crop outside the market of APMC at market rate, then they may get benefit for a short time but later there will be no guarantee of payment at fixed rate like MSP.

  • In this small farmers is most worried about how he will sell their crop in another state. ‌ What is the guarantee that when they will go to another state to sell the crop, then his crop will be bought and good price will be given?

  • In present system, the small farmers are bearing great loss, their crop is bought at half the price of the market and due to lack of MSP law, they are forced to sell their crop.

  • The protesting farmers also fear that they will not be able to get the minimum support price due to these laws. However, the government says that 'agricultural laws do not affect the MSP system and the APMC mandis'. Farmers are also asking.

2. Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Agricultural Services Act-2020

Under this laws, contractual farming has been approved. That is, farmers can now produce grains by contracting directly with wholesalers, processing industries and private companies.

In this, agreement can be made by deciding on the price of the crop. The government claims that this provision will bring full profit to the farmers, no part will have to be paid to the middlemen.

But farmers are opposing contractual farming. 

There are three major concerns of farmers about this -

  • The first concern is whether the rural farmer will be in a position to negotiate with private companies for a fair price for his crop?

  • Secondly, he fears that private companies may reduce the price of their crops on the basis of quality, and stop buying.

  • The third concern is that farmers will have to buy seed, fertilizer and pesticides under the contract from the same private companies with whom they have contracts.

  • On this, the farmers say that this will increase the arbitrariness of the contracting companies. He will charge us more for all these. ‌ Gradually many currently existing seeds, fertilizers and pesticide companies will be shut down from the market because later the contracting companies will bring their own brand and sell it to the farmers at an arbitrary price. There will be no other option left to the farmers and slowly the farmer will be stuck in the clutches of the industrialists.

3. Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act 2020

With the help of this new laws, the government has removed pulses, oilseeds, onions and potatoes from the list of essential commodities. The government says that there will be no restriction on the storage of these products, this will bring private investment and prices will remain stable.

Farmer's Concern over third law.

  • Farmers say that with these provisions, private companies will start storing these products on a large scale and for their own benefit there will be artificial reduction in the supply of these products in the market.

  • The farmers also say that when they have to produce according to the wishes of such companies, they will get less prices.

  • Through these laws, the mandis of the existing APMC (Agriculture Produce Market Committee) as well as private companies will also have the right to contract with farmers for sale, in addition to contractual farming, purchase and storage of food grains.

  • Farmers who have been protesting, fear that the government can stop the purchase of crops like wheat and paddy from the farmers and they will have to completely rely on the market.

  • Farmers also fear that this will benefit private companies and the problems of farmers will increase with the end of the minimum support price.

Although the three new laws do not include the closure of APMC mandis or the end of the MSP system, farmers fear that this will happen in the end as private companies enter the market through these laws.

Through private laws, the mandis of the existing APMC (Agriculture Produce Market Committee) as well as private companies will also have the right to contract with farmers, in addition to contract farming, purchase and storage of food grains.

The current state of the Farmers Protes. 

Overall the situation of deadlock between the farmers and the government remains.

Meanwhile, farmer leaders are visiting with farmers in several states and organizing mahapanchayat. They are reaching out to the people and appealing to them to support the farmers. The farmer leaders are talking about besieging Parliament with 40 lakh tractors.

Gradually, political parties have also started supporting the farmers and taking part in the mahapanchayat.

Now the thing to be seen is that, Will the government listens to the farmers and withdraws all the three laws? Will the Farmers movement end in a positive way?


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