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I am an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer having more than 31 Years of experience in Aviation. Basic Qualification is Physics Graduate.
Aircraft Type Rating CAR-66 Cat B1 on Gulfstream G400 Series & Cessna Citation 550/560 series aircraft, Gulfstream G550 & Airbus A320 trained.
I started my career in aviation as a Technician and since then serve on different post in different organisations as Dy. QM, Chief Engineer, Director Maintenance, Director Engineering, Managing Director cum CEO. During these periods I visited almost whole word & explore the nature, society, science & technology. I travelled USA many times and visited NY, Savanah Georgia, Wichita Kansas, California, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Florida, Miami, South & North Carolina, Missouri. In Europe Ireland, Scotland, Spain, France, Austria, Germany, Turkey & many times in UK.
Travelled to South Africa & North Africa, Canada, China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Maldives and many more.
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