

International Day of Peace | World Peace Day by UN History

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The International Day of Peace

The International Day of Peace, often known as World Peace Day, is a United Nations-sanctioned holiday held every year on September 21. It is dedicated to world peace, specifically the absence of conflict and bloodshed, such as that which would result from a short ceasefire in a fighting zone to allow humanitarian aid access. The day was initially observed in 1981 and is observed by various nations, political parties, military organisations, and individuals.

The United Nations Peace Bell is rung at UN Headquarters to begin the day (in New York City). The bell was a gift from the United Nations Association of Japan, and was cast from coins given by children from all continents except Africa, as "a reminder of the human cost of war"; the inscription on its side reads, "Long live perfect world peace."

History of Word Peace Day

UN General Assembly Resolution passed 

The International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations General Assembly in a resolution sponsored by the United Kingdom and Costa Rica to commemorate and strengthen the values of peace. The third Tuesday in September was originally established as the usual opening day of the General Assembly's yearly sessions. (In 2001, this was altered to the current annual celebration on September 21st.)

Date set at 21 September for World Peace Day

The General Assembly's opening day was set for September 11, 2001, and Secretary General Kofi Annan drafted a speech commemorating International Peace Day on September 21.

The September 11 attacks, also known as 9/11, happened on September 11, 2001, when the militant Islamist terrorist group al-Qaeda launched a series of four coordinated terrorist assaults against the United States of America just blocks from from the United Nations. The day was shifted from the third Tuesday to the twenty-first day of September that year, with the change taking effect in 2002. The United Kingdom (giving credit to Peace One Day) and Costa Rica (the day's original sponsors) presented a new resolution in the United Nations General Assembly to give the International Day of Peace a fixed calendar date, September 21, and to designate it a day of worldwide ceasefire and nonviolence.


It's all about humanity, humility, and integrity.

Let’s unite & work together as Humans. 

We don’t differentiate between Mankind; we don’t divide people on the basis of Religion, Caste and color. The DNA of mankind is 99% matched with other people living on this planet, so why are we all fighting with each other?


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