Electronic Centralized Aircraft
Monitor (ECAM)
The Electronic Centralized
Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) continuously monitors the aircraft functions and
provides information to the flight crew. It also generates messages about any
failures and in some cases, lists out procedures to undertake to correct the
Basic Concept of ECAM & History
The basic concept behind the
development of ECAM (and other monitoring systems) is to decrease the workload
of flight crews by automating monitoring activities. When a problem or failure
is noticed, the primary display, together with an audible and visual indication,
warns the pilot immediately. It also shows the necessary corrective action as
well as suggested actions as a result of the failure. By automating system
monitoring, the pilot is free to fly the plane until a problem arises. It was
created to reduce pilot stress in unusual and emergency situations by creating
a paperless cockpit with rapid access to all procedures.
ECAM is similar to a system
used by different manufacturers like Boeing & Embraer, known as the Engine
Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS), which displays data concerning
aircraft systems and also failures. Airbus developed an advanced version of
ECAM for use on their A320 aircraft in such a manner that it not only gives
features of EICAS, but also displays corrective action to be taken by the
flight crew in case of failures/warnings. It also shows system limitations
after failures. The color-coded failure scheme aids pilots in quickly
evaluating the situation and deciding on the best course of action.
How ECAM Works
The primary components of the
ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring) system are as follows:
2 SDAC (System Data Acquisition
2 FWC (Fault warning Computers)
3 DMC (Display Management
2 CRT/LCD Monitors
The loss of just one SDAC or
one FWC will not result in the loss of ECAM function. All functions can be
handled individually by the second SDAC and FWC. The SDACs (System Data
Acquisition Concentrators) collect data from sensors and transfer signals to
three DMCs (Display Management Computers), which process and output the screen
image right away.
The main function
of the SDAC (System Data Acquisition Concentrator) is to perform operational assistance for the Flight Crew for normal and abnormal
system configuration through visual and aural attention and through the two ECAM display units. The System Data Acquisition Concentrators (SDAC) on the Airbus A320 aircraft ECAM
System collect system data from various sensors, process it, and transfer
system page data to the three Display Management Computers (DMC) forfurther processing.The DMC immediately processes the input and generates an image.
Functions of ECAM Monitors
Two CRT monitors are used in an
ECAM system (older version). These may be LCD in modern aircraft. Depending on
the aircraft panel arrangement, information on system status and any alerts
related with corrective measures is displayed on the left or top monitor. This
is done in the form of a checklist. The right or lower monitor shows system
information in a visual manner, such as a diagram of the system referred to on
the primary monitor.
Primary Display (Upper DU)
The upper part of the display
shows the primary engine parameters (N1/fan speed, EGT, N2/high pressure
turbine speed), as well as the fuel flow, Fuel on board, the status of lift
augmentation devices like flaps and slat positions, & other information.
The Lower part of Primary display shows warning & caution messages when
they occur, or MEMO when there is no failure.
Secondary Display (Lower DU)
The lower (secondary) ECAM
display presents additional information, including that relating to any system
malfunction and its consequences, along with the Synoptic diagram systems.
The Lower ECAM has 12 system
pages which can be pulled out by selecting associated push buttons. The 12
pages include:
ENGINE (secondary engine
BLEED (air bleed)
CAB PRESS (cabin
ELEC (electric power)
HYD (hydraulic)
FUEL (fuel)
APU (auxiliary power unit)
COND (air conditioning)
DOOR/OXY (doors /oxygen)
WHEEL (landing gear, braking,
ground spoilers, etc.)
F/CTL (flight controls)
The following four buttons are also provided:
STS- (to display the system status, if nothing abnormal, this page will shows "NORMAL".
RCL - (to Recall the warning & Caution msgs)
CLR- (To clear the msgs)
EMER/CANC- ( Cancel the present aural warnings)
TO/,CONFIG - (To check the take off configuration)
Basic Modes of ECAM
The ECAM system has four
primary modes: flight phase, advisory, failure related, and manual. Normally,
the flying phase mode is employed. Pre-flight, take-off, climb, cruising,
descent, approach, and post landing are the stages. As the circumstance
necessitates, advisory and failure–related modes will show automatically. The
secondary monitor (Lower DU) displays the system schematic with numerical data
when the primary monitor (Upper DU) displays an advisory. The failure-related
mode, regardless of whether mode is selected at the time of failure, takes
precedence over all other modes. Color coding is used on the displays to draw
attention to concerns in order of importance.
The manual mode of an ECAM
system (which is installed on the centre pedestal) is accessed by pressing one
of the synoptic display buttons on the control panel. This enables the
presentation of system diagrams. If a failure warning or advice occurs, this
view will be cancelled.
Class of Failures
Failures are categorised
according to their severity, ranging from level 1 to level 3. When many
failures occur at the same time, the most critical failure is displayed first.
The following is the warning hierarchy:
Level 3 Failures
Situations that necessitate
rapid crew action and put the aircraft in jeopardy are known as red warnings.
For instance, a fire in the engine or a loss of cabin pressure. A red master
caution light, a warning (red) ECAM message, and a continuous repetitive chime
or a distinctive sound or a synthetic voice is used to communicate them. By
pressing the master warning push button, the chime can be turned off.
Level 2 Failures
Amber Cautions are Level 2
failures that require crew attention but not quick action. For example, a fuel
problem or an air bleed failure. They have no bearing on flight safety and are
indicated to the crew by an amber master caution light, an amber ECAM message,
and a single chime.
Level 1 Failure
Cautions, failures, and faults
that cause a loss of system redundancy must be monitored but do not pose a
threat. One example is the disappearance of DMC3 while it is not in use. Only a
caution (amber) ECAM message is sent out when a level 1 failure occurs (no
aural warning).
There are also the following
status messages in addition to the three primary failure levels:
Advisory: Monitoring of system
parameters is advised. It brings up the relevant system page on the system display
(S/D) automatically. The parameter that is influenced pulses green.
MEMO: Information: Recalls the
normal or automatic selection of functions that are only employed for a short
period of time. The engine warning display (E/WD) displays a green, amber, or
magenta message.
Self-Test of ECAM System
When the ECAM flight warning
computers are turned on, they do a self-test. The signal generators are
likewise put through their paces. A maintenance panel enables for annunciation
testing as well as additional testing on demand. Built-in test equipment is
abbreviated as BITE. It is common practise for monitoring systems to keep track
of themselves as well as the aircraft's systems. All of the system inputs to
the flight warning processors, as well as the inputs and outputs of the system
data analogue converter, can be verified for continuity from this panel.
Individual system problems will appear as normal on the primary display. On the
maintenance panel, faults in the flight warning computers and signal generators
will be indicated.
Manufacturer’s guidelines
should be always followed for maintenance/testing ECAM and related systems.
ECAM Controls & Switching
ECAM controls & Switching logics are so designed that information will be always available in the case of certain failures, Following are the logic for ECAM Control & Switching.
The ECAM Control Panel,
installed on the Central pedestal which includes:
E / WD controls, CLR, STS, and
the brightness control knob.
SD controls for ENG, BLEED ,
selector, and the brightness control knob.
EIS DMC Switching Selector
This is a switch near the
centre of the SWITCHING panel which is located just above the ECAM control
panel (ECP). It enables the flight crew to replace the Captain or First
Officer's Display Management Computer ( DMC 1, or DMC 2 ) by DMC 3 in case of
ECAM / ND Switching
The flight crew can transfer
the ECAM System Display to either the Captain or First Officer's Navigation
Display using this switch on the RH side of the Switching panel.
Reconfiguring of DMC
DMC 1 provides data to the
Captain's PFD and ND, as well as the upper ECAM DU, in normal operation.
DMC 2 feeds data to the PFD and
ND of the First Officer, as well as the lower ECAM DU.
DMC 3 is always in standby
mode. The flight crew can replace DMC 1 or 2 with DMC 3 by setting the EIS DMC
switch on the SWITCHING panel to CAPT 3 or F / 0 3 display if a DMC fails
(associated DU exhibits a diagonal line).
Reconfiguring DUs
Upper ECAM DU failure (OR CTL /
If the upper ECAM display fails
or is turned off, the following steps must be taken:
On the lower ECAM DU, the
engine / warning page takes the place of the system / status page.
The system / status page can be
viewed by the flight crew by moving the ECAM / ND XFR switch on the SWITCHING panel to a navigation
display unit.
Lower ECAM DU failure (OR CTL /
If the lower ECAM display
malfunctions or is turned off, the flight crew can use the " ECAM / ND XFR
" switch on the SWITCHING panel to display the system / status page on
Failure of Both ECAM DUs
If both ECAM displays fail, the
flight crew can use the ECAM/ND XFR on the SWITCHING panel to temporarily display
the engine / warning page on a navigation display and, if necessary, push and
hold the related system page pushbutton on the ECAM control panel (for a
maximum of 3 minutes) to temporarily display the system / status page on an ND.