

USA Sending Long Range Anti-Aircraft Missiles to Ukraine


Russia Ukraine war: USA sending long range anti-aircraft missiles & other Sophisticated ammunition to Ukraine

Russia Ukraine war Update

Today President Biden Announced more assistance packages to help Ukraine. After Announcing these packages a press briefing note is released by White House which states that:

"Today President of America Jo Biden announced an $800M assistance package to help Ukraine defend their country against Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion."

"This brings the total U.S. security assistance committed to Ukraine to $1B in the past week and a total of $2B since Biden took office."

These Advance Waepons Includes

The new $800M package includes have very advanced & Sophisticated weapons:

  • 800 anti-aircraft systems
  • 9,000 anti-armor systems
  • 7,000 small arms
  • 20 Million rounds
  • Unmanned aerial systems
  • And more

He also said in statement: The assistance will take the form of direct transfers of equipment from the Department of Defense to the Ukrainian military."

President of USA also assure that "We continue to work with allies and partners to facilitate additional assistance to Ukraine in future.


Ukraine required such lethal weapons, and the weapons supplied by America will assist Ukraine in defending itself.Ukraine will be able to protect its citizens and their properties while securing its skies.

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