

Crown Daisy (Glebionis coronaria): Health Benefits and Uses

Daisy Flower, Daisy Plant, Crown Daisy

Crown Daisy (Glebionis Coronaria): Crown Daisy Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts
 & Uses

Glebionis Coronaria (Crown Daisy)

Glebionis coronaria (Crown Daisy), Commonly known as Chrysanthemum coronarium, is a daisy-family flowering plant. It is native to the Mediterranean region. It's grown and naturalised in East Asia, as well as a few places in North America. It belongs to the Asteraceae family and its genus is Glebionis.

The leaf of vegetable Glebionis coronaria is edible & used in various recipes arond the world. The flowers of Daisy family are also edible and used in tea. Garland chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum greens, edible chrysanthemum, crowndaisy chrysanthemum, chop suey greens, crown daisy, and Japanese greens are some of the English names for Glebionis Coronaria.

Other Name of Crown Daisy

  • Hindi: akurkurra, gulchini, guldaudi 
  • Kannada: hale
  • Marathi: akura kara, gavanashevathi, gulacheeni, gulesevathi
  • Sanskrit: chandra-mallika, chandramallika
  • Tamil: kupotakacceti, kupotakam, mancalcamanti, mancamanti
  • Telugu: chamanthi
  • Urdu: gul seoti, gul-i-seoti
  • Nepali: गोदावरी Godaavari
  • Manipuri: Chandramukhi

Other Types of daisy Flowers are: 

  • Gerbera Daisy
  • Derbera Jamesonii
  • Shasta Daisy
  • African daisy

Types of Crown Daisy

Crown daisies come in two varieties: broadleaf and narrowleaf. The broadleaf variety' leaves are also thicker, making plants more tolerant of hot summer temperatures. The narrow leaves are thinner and more frilly than broadleaf variants, and the plants are a brighter green colour. Colors of flowers: yellow and white

white daisy, yellow daisy
White & Yellow Daisy Flower

Garden marguerites have been created by crossing Glebionis coronaria with similar Argyranthemum species.

The garland chrysanthemum is an annual plant with a leafy appearance. It has fragrant, bipinnately lobed leaves with yellow ray florets gathered in tiny flower heads.

In mild or slightly cold areas, the vegetable thrives well, but in hot summer temperatures, it will flower prematurely. Early spring and fall are the best times to plant seeds.

Daisy Palnt
Daisy Plant

Crown Daisy Nutrition facts

The Crown Daisy plants are high in minerals and vitamins, with potassium concentrations of 610 mg/100 g in edible sections and carotene concentrations of 3.4 g/100 g. Furthermore, the plant includes antioxidants (in stem, leaf, and root tissues) that may have long-term health advantages for humans, while harmful (dioxin) qualities have been detected. Lactobacillus casei, a beneficial human intestinal bacterium, has been shown to be inhibited by extracts from C. coronarium var. spatiosum.

Nutrition Table

Nutrition Value

Glebionis Coronaria (Crown Daisy) Raw Fresh

Nutritional value per 100 g


24 kcal


3.02 g

Dietary Fiber

3 g


0.56 g


2.36 g

Vitamins Quantity %DV†

Vitamin A




Thiamine (B1)


Riboflavin (B2)


Niacin (B3


Vitamin B5


Vitamin B6


Folate (B9)


Vitamin C


Vitamin K


Minerals Quantity %DV†








610 mg







Crown Daisy's Health Benefits

Garland chrysanthemum is a high-nutritional-value leafy vegetable that is used both medicinally and in cooking. Carotene, flavonoids, vitamins, chlorogenic acid, and potassium are abundant in the leaves. Crown daisy has numerous health benefits, including antioxidant protection, a lower risk of lung cancer, and protection against kidney stones, cardiovascular problems, bloating, and bone loss.

Chlorogenic acid, found in coffee beans, is abundant in garland chrysanthemum. This nutrient is excellent for weight loss because it has been shown to slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream. Chlorogenic acid also protects against free radicals. Antioxidants are valued for their ability to destroy free radicals and other harmful molecules, as well as protect the body from heart disease, premature ageing, wrinkles, and cancer.

Uses of Crown Daisy in Dishes

Greens from the plant are utilized in a variety of Asian dishes. It is widely available in China under the name Cantonese tong ho (choy) and is used in stir fries, stews, casseroles, and hotpots in a variety of Chinese cuisines.

It's known as "spring chrysanthemum" in Japanese cuisine, and it's used in nabemono, rice, and as a side dish drizzled with soy sauce and sesame seeds. Greens are used in soups, stews, and as a side dish in Korean cuisine (banchan). It is put to a hotpot at the very last minute to avoid overcooking.

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