

Foxtail Millet: Foxtail Millet Health Benefits & Nutrition

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The Nutritional Benefits of Eating Foxtail Millet Roti


The foxtail millet roti is made from the foxtail millet seeds. They are small and round like pearls and white in color. The millet seeds are rich in fibre and other essential nutrients and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. They are gluten-free and can be consumed by people who suffer from celiac disease. Roti made from millet seeds is a great option for people who want to stay healthy and follow a gluten-free diet. The name of Foxtail Millet in hindi is Kangni or Kakum.

Foxtail Millet production

The main production regions of Foxtail Millet in the world include India, China, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Manchuria, , and Georgia. It is also one of the specialty crops in Japan.

It is a nutritious whole grain that is gluten-free and high in protein. In fact, it has the same amount of protein as quinoa. Fox tail millet is also a good source of fiber, iron, and potassium. It is low in sodium and has a low glycemic index. This means that it does not cause a spike in blood sugar like some other grains do. Fox tail millet is a versatile grain that can be used in a variety of dishes. It can be added to soups, stews, or casseroles. It can also be ground into flour and used to make breads, pasta, and pancakes.

Health benefits of foxtail millet

Foxtail millet is a type of whole grain that is typically ground into flour and used to make roti, a type of flatbread. Whole grains are loaded with nutrients and foxtail millet is no exception. Foxtail millet is a good source of fiber, magnesium, phosphorus and B vitamins. It also has a high protein content, making it a great choice for vegetarians and vegans. But that's not all. Foxtail millet is also gluten-free, which makes it a good option for people with gluten sensitivities.

The Health benefits of Foxtail Millet are:

Stronger Bones:

Iron and calcium are important nutrients for bone and muscular health, and foxtail millets are a good source of both. Iron deficiency can result in a variety of health problems, such as weakened muscles, anaemia, and recurrent muscle spasms. Include Foxtail millet in your daily diet to help your body achieve its calcium and phosphorous requirements for fighting brittle bones, inflammation, and other bone-related chronic illnesses such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and spondylitis.

Good for Nervous System:

Foxtail millet is highly recommended by nutritionists for preventing a variety of neurological problems. Vitamin B1 is abundant in this gluten-free cereal, which provides 0.59 mg per cooked 100 grammes. This nutrient-dense cereal not only inhibits the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, but also has a favourable effect on the nervous system. The high iron content stimulates cognitive performance by increasing brain oxygenation.

Strong Cardiac Health:

Millets are often regarded as beneficial to heart health. Because they are gluten-free, high in protein, and low in carbohydrates, these magnificent natural wonders aid in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which transmits messages between muscles and neurons while also protecting the heart. Consume it on a daily basis to protect your heart from a variety of diseases.

Manages Diabetes:

Rice consumption is often discouraged among diabetic patients due to its high carb content. Foxtail millet is an excellent rice substitute since it keeps you fuller for longer. The trick is to replace rice with well cooked Foxtail millet to avoid mid-day hunger pangs and a quick surge in blood sugar levels. Foxtail millet has a glycemic index of 50.8, making it an excellent low-glycemic food. Include it in your regular diet to see a healthy drop in blood sugar levels, glycosylated haemoglobin, and lipid profile.

Lowers Bad Cholesterol:

Foxtail millet is high in amino acids like lecithin and methionine, which are important for lowering cholesterol and reducing extra fat in the liver. Threonine helps to avoid fatty liver, which lowers harmful cholesterol levels even further.

Helps in Weight Loss:

The amino acid tryptophan, which is abundant in Foxtail millet, is essential for suppressing hunger pangs. If you're struggling with belly fat, it's time to up your intake of Foxtail millet, which helps to prevent the buildup of fatty compounds in the body.

Promotes Digestion

A healthy stomach is a sign of good overall health. If digestive problems are not handled promptly, they can become chronic, resulting in severe constipation, diarrhoea, or irritable bowel syndrome. It's a fantastic meal option for people who are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease. To lose weight and manage bowel motions, eat it with a lot of veggies.

Boost Immunity:

Nothing is more crucial than a strong immune system in these days and times of pandemic. Foxtail millet, which is high in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, boosts stamina, keeps you stronger, and boosts immunity to battle infections. If you've recently been sick with a viral or bacterial infection, add it in your daily diet to help you recover your strength.

Nutrition facts of Foxtail Millet

Foxtail Millet is a whole grain that is gluten free and has a low glycemic index. It is a good source of fiber, magnesium, and phosphorous. Foxtail Millet is also a good source of protein, with all the essential amino acids. In addition, Foxtail Millet is a rich source of B vitamins, including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6.

The nutritional benefits of Foxtail roti

Foxtail millet roti is a high-protein, mineral-rich, and gluten-free flatbread that can be enjoyed as a healthy breakfast or as a light evening meal. What's more, Foxtail millet roti is a good source of dietary fiber, which can help keep you feeling full and satisfied for hours. And unlike other wheat-based flatbreads, Foxtail millet roti is low in carbs and calories, making it a better choice for those who are watching their weight. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at how delicious it is!


The millet is a cereal crop from the family of "Panicease" and more precisely from the genus "Panicum". This plant has been cultivated for food since prehistoric times. In India, foxtail millet (or kangni) is used in many different ways: as flour, whole grain or pearled; for breakfast dishes like upma; and in sweet preparations such as jilebi.

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