Mint (Pudina): Mint Leaves Health Benefits, Nutrition, Uses and Side effects
Mint Plant (पुदिना)
Mentha (commonly known as mint) is a plant genus in the Lamiaceae family (mint family). The exact differentiation between species is uncertain; between 13 and 24 species are thought to exist. Hybridization occurs spontaneously when the ranges of two or more species intersect. Many hybrids and cultivars have been identified. The genus is found in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and North America, with a sub cosmopolitan distribution.
The genus Mentha contains a diverse range of plants that can be found in a variety of habitats. Wet and damp soils are most ideal for the majority of mint plants. Mints can reach a height of 10–120 cm (4–48 inches) and can spread across an indefinite area. Some mints are called invasive because of their proclivity to spread unrestrained.
Other Names of Mint
The name "mint" comes from the Latin word "mentha," which is derived from the Greek word "minthe," which is associated with Minthe, a nymph who was converted into a mint plant in Greek mythology. This, in turn, descended from a proto-Indo-European root, from which the Sanskrit terms "mantha" and "mathana" are derived (premna serratifolia).
Spearmint leaves are often referred to when the term "mint leaves" is used without a qualification such as "peppermint" or "apple mint."
Description of Mint Plant
Mints are aromatic perennial herbs that are mostly used in cooking, Cosmetic, fragrance, used as traditional medicine & also as pesticides. The leaves are grouped in opposite pairs and range in size from oblong to lanceolate, with a serrated border and often downy texture. The colours of the mint leaves range from dark green and gray-green to purple, blue, and pale yellow. The flowers range in colour from white to purple and are produced in verticillasters, which are fake whorls. The corolla has two lips and four subequal lobes, with the upper lobe usually being the biggest. The fruit is a nutlet with one to four seeds within.
Cultivation of Mint
Near bodies of water, lakes, rivers, and cool, damp locations in partial shade, all mints grow. Mints endure a broad range of environments and can even be grown in direct sunlight. Mint is available all year.
They spread quickly, using a network of runners to extend their reach over surfaces. Due to their rapid growth, one plant of each chosen mint will give more than enough mint for household usage with a little maintenance. Some mint species are invasive to a greater extent than others. Even with the less invasive mints, caution should be exercised when combining mint with other plants to avoid the mint taking over. Mints should be planted in deep, bottomless containers dug in the ground to control them in an open setting.
Some mints can be grown from seed, but this is a risky way for cultivating mint for two reasons: mint seeds are highly variable—you might not get what you thought you were planting—and some mint kinds are sterile. Taking and planting cuttings from the runners of healthy mints is more effective.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita), native spearmint (Mentha spicata), Scotch spearmint (Mentha x gracilis), and cornmint (Mentha arvensis) are the most frequent and popular mints for commercial cultivation (Mentha suaveolens).
Mints are said to be wonderful companion plants, repelling pests while attracting beneficial insects. Whiteflies and aphids are a problem for them.
Mint leaves can be harvested at any time of year. It's best to use fresh leaves. Fresh leaves should be used right once or stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator for up to a few days. Leaves can also be preserved by frozen in ice cube. Mint leaves should be kept in an airtight container in a cool, dark, and dry location.
Uses of Mint
Mint is used in cooking as a fresh or dried leaf. When storage is not an issue, fresh mint is usually chosen over dried mint. Teas, beverages, jellies, syrups, sweets, and ice creams all use the leaves, which have a warm, fresh, aromatic, sweet flavour with a chilly aftertaste. Mint is used in lamb dishes in Middle Eastern cuisine, whereas mint sauce and mint jelly are used in British and American cuisines, respectively. Mint (pudina) is a common ingredient in Indian cooking, and it's used to flavour curries and other meals.
Mint is an essential component of Touareg tea, a popular beverage in northern Africa and the Arab world. Tea is commonly consumed in this manner in Arab nations. Mint is used in alcoholic cocktails as a flavouring or garnish, such as the mint julep and the mojito. The grasshopper is made using crème de menthe, a mint-flavored liqueur.
Mint essential oil and menthol are common flavourings in breath fresheners, drinks, antiseptic mouth rinses, toothpaste, chewing gum, desserts, and candies like mint (candy) and mint chocolate. Menthol (the predominant scent of peppermint and Japanese peppermint) and pulegone are the chemicals that give mints their distinct aromas and flavours (in pennyroyal and Corsican mint). L-carvone is the chemical that gives spearmint its distinctive scent and flavour.
The larvae of some Lepidoptera species, particularly buff ermine moths, use mints as a source of nutrition. Beetles like Chrysolina coerulans (blue mint beetle) and Mint Leaf Beatle eat it as well.
Used in Cosmetics and Traditional Medicine
The ancient Greeks believed that rubbing mint on their arms would make them stronger. Mint was traditionally used to relieve stomachaches and chest problems as a medicinal herb. Traditional medicine has numerous applications, and preliminary study suggests that it could be used to treat irritable bowel syndrome.
Many cosmetics and some perfumes contain menthol (40–90%) derived from mint essential oil. Aromatherapy uses menthol and mint essential oils, which may have medicinal use for reducing post-surgery nausea.
Nutritional Profile of Mint
Mint leaves are found in high amount of antioxidants and phytonutrients, as well as vitamin A, C, and B-complex and also with nutrients like phosphorus and calcium. Mint leaves have antibacterial properties which kills bacteria also. Mint leaves are rich in iron, potassium, and manganese, all of these minerals helps to increase hemoglobin levels and cognitive function. Mint leaves used in weight loss program diet as they are low in calories and have a small quantity of protein and fat.
Health Benefits of Mint
The Health Benefits of Mint Leaves include: Mint has been scientifically established to provide numerous health benefits for your body.
Here are some of the health benefits of Mint
Getting Rid of Indigestion
Mint leaves are well-known as a delectable appetiser. Mint leaves contains many compunds that stimulates digestive enzymes and helps to support the digestive system. The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of Mint oil can helps in indigestion, stomach infections, and other issues. The presence of methanol also makes it an anti-spasmodic treatment in stomach pain.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief
Irritable Bowel Syndrome disease is a prevalent digestive system illness that is most common found in human. Mint Mint oil can be beneficial in constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, and indigestion or other stomach related problems. Although a change in diet is the most significant treatment for irritable bowel syndrome disease, some studies have shown that mint oil can be beneficial in treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.The oil extract from the Mint includes a important substance called menthol, which helps in relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract.
Efforts to Reduce Respiratory Complaints
Mint leaves are often suggested in medical and Ayurvedic medicine for asthma patients since they relax the muscles and reduce chest congestion. Menthol is contained in mint leaves, which helps asthmatic people breathe easier by providing a relaxing effect in mussel.
Mint is thought to help clear a congested nose, while menthol can make it easier to breathe. It also helps to relieve the irritation caused by a persistent cough.
Dental Hygiene
What will you do now that your garlic soup is finished? Place a piece of chewing gum in your mouth. Next time, chew mint leaves to get rid of the pungent odour. Mint leaves contain germicidal properties, thus they can help immediately freshen your breath.
The compounds in mint leaf extract can help in the removal of plaque from teeth. Menthol toothpaste, mouthwash, or chewing gum help stop bacteria from growing in your mouth and keep your mouth clean and fresh.
Improve Your Memory:
Mint leaves have a relaxing impact on the nervous system. In studies, mint consumption has been associated to improved alertness and cognitive abilities. Mint leaves have been shown to improve memory and mental sharpness.
Boost Immunity
Mint is abundant in vitamins and antioxidants, which aid in immune system support. These plant-based vitamins help to keep your cells safe. Mint leaves can also prevent tumour formation by inhibiting certain enzymes.
Stress and depression are reduced
Mint is a key ingredient in aromatherapy. Its energising and powerful aroma may help with stress alleviation and mental regeneration. When you smell the scent of mint, your mind rapidly relaxes. Add mint to your tea, use mint extract in a vaporizer, or take a mint bath to relieve tension and depression quickly.
Side Effects & Allergens
Mint may trigger allergic responses in certain people, causing symptoms such as abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, migraines, indigestion, tingling or numbing around the mouth, anaphylaxis, or contact dermatitis, despite its widespread use in consumer products.
Used as Insecticides
Mint oil is also used as an environmentally friendly insecticide because it may kill wasps, hornets, ants, and cockroaches, among other pests.
Aromatherapy and room fragrance
Mint was used as a room deodorizer in Europe as early as the Middle Ages. To mask the stench of the hard-packed earth, the herbs were strewn throughout the flooring. The mint's smell was diffused throughout the room by stepping on it. It is now more widely used for aromatherapy, which involves the use of essential oils.
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