Petunia Flowers Plant: Petunia How to Plant, Grow and Care Petunia Plant
Petunia Flowers Plant
Petunia flowering plants is a genus of 20 species native of south America. The word petun, which means "tobacco" in Tupi–Guarani, was adopted by the French and applied to the popular flower of the same name.The majority of the hybrid varieties seen in gardens (Petunia atkinsiana, also known as Petunia hybrida) are sensitive perennials.
Petunia Family, Genus & Species
Family: Solanaceae
Subfamily: Petunioideae
Genus: Petunia
Petunia having 20 Species, some of which include:
Petunia alpicola, Petunia axillaris,Petunia bajeensis, Petunia bonjardinensis, Petunia exserta, Petunia guarapuavensis, Petunia inflata, Petunia integrifolia, Petunia interior, Petunia ledifolia, Petunia littoralis, Petunia mantiqueirensis, Petunia occidentalis, Petunia patagonica, Petunia reitzii, Petunia riograndensis, Petunia saxicola, Petunia scheideana, Petunia villadiana
The Solanaceae family includes tobacco (subfamily Nicotianoideae), cape gooseberry, tomato, potato, deadly nightshade, and chilli pepper. Petchoa, a hybrid genus, was created by crossing Calibrachoa and Petunia.
Types of Petunia
Petunias are classified into several groupings based on the size of their flowers:
Petunias with several flowers are the most resilient and prolific. They have smaller flowers but more of them, making them suitable for summer bedding or a mixed border (because they are more tolerant to wet weather).
Grandiflora petunias are best planted in containers or hanging baskets because their blossoms are exceptionally enormous (because they are more susceptible to rain damage). Because they are prone to decay during humid, hot summers, these huge petunias do not fare as well in the south.
Floribundas are a cross between the grandiflora and multiflora plant families. They produce medium-sized blooms and are free-flowering like multiflora types.
Milliflora petunias are significantly smaller than other petunias on the market. Although the blossoms are small 1 to 112 inches wide, they are plentiful and remain throughout the season.
Spreading or Trailing Petunias
Low-growing petunias that extend 3 to 4 feet are known as spreading or trailing petunias. Because the flowers form throughout the whole length of each stalk, they provide a lovely, colourful groundcover. They can be utilised in hanging baskets or window boxes.
Most petunias are insect pollinated, with the exception of P. exserta, a rare red-flowered, hummingbird-pollinated species. The most of the petunias have 14 chromosomes and are interfertile with other petunia species as well as Calibrachoa.
Additional than Petunia atkinsiana, many other species are gaining popularity in the home garden. Petunia atkinsiana and other species have a diverse range of flower colours, sizes, and plant structures.
How to Grow & Care Petunia?
Petunias plants can withstand some adversity and hot weather also, but not frost. These plants require at least five hours of direct sunlight per day, Moist soil with low atmospheric humidity is best for growing putina. Seeds are very tiny & is the best way to growing the petunia. In most areas, once a week watering is sufficient. Watering hanging baskets, pots & Containers are more frequently required. Fertilization is also required for the plant on a monthly or weekly basis, depending on the variety, the fertilization helps to grow it quickly.
Many words are used in horticulture to describe distinct sorts of cultivated petunias. Grandiflora, Multiflora, Wave (Spreading), Supertunia, Cascadia, and Surfinia are among them.
Symbolism and Folklore
Petunias were thought to have the power to ward off underworld monsters and spirits by the Maya and Inca. For magical drinks, their flower buds were bunched together.
Petunias have two mutually exclusive meanings when given as a gift, symbolising on the one hand being comfortable with someone, and on the other hand anger and resentment.
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