

Ruthenium | Descriptions, Properties, Uses & Facts

Ruthenium | Descriptions, Properties, Uses & Facts

Ruthenium: A Deep Dive into its Properties, Reactions, and Applications


Ruthenium, denoted by the symbol Ru and boasting an atomic number of 44, is a fascinating element that resides within the transition metals group on the periodic table. Let's embark on a journey to uncover the intricacies of ruthenium, from its electron configuration to its diverse range of applications.

Atomic Structure:

Symbol: Ru

Atomic Number: 44

Atomic Mass: Approximately 101.07 u

Electron Configuration: [Kr] 4d⁷ 5s¹


Ruthenium typically exhibits variable valency, commonly +2, +3, and +4 oxidation states, lending it versatility in forming compounds.

Chemical and Physical Properties:

Physical State: Solid at room temperature

Melting Point: 2,334 degrees Celsius

Boiling Point: 4,150 degrees Celsius

Density: 12.45 g/cm³

Ruthenium is renowned for its robust hardness, resistance to corrosion, and excellent electrical conductivity, making it a prized material in various industries.

Reactions with Other Elements:

Ruthenium engages in diverse reactions with elements like oxygen, forming ruthenium dioxide (RuO₂), and with halogens to produce ruthenium halides.

Ruthenium Compounds:

Prominent compounds include ruthenium tetroxide (RuO₄), known for its oxidizing properties, and ruthenium trichloride (RuCl₃), a key precursor in catalysis.

Occurrence and Production:

While ruthenium is a rare element in the Earth's crust, it can be found in platinum ores. Extraction methods include complex processes such as refining and precipitation techniques.


1. Electronics: 

Ruthenium is vital in the production of thin-film resistors, capacitors, and other electronic components due to its stable conductivity.

2. Catalysis: 

It plays a crucial role in catalytic converters, enhancing the efficiency of chemical reactions in the automotive industry.

3. Jewelry: 

Ruthenium coatings add durability and luster to jewelry items.

4. Medical Applications: 

Ruthenium compounds show promise in cancer treatment research, exhibiting potential anti-tumor properties.


  • Ruthenium element discovered by Karl Karlovich Klaus in 1844.
  • It is part of the platinum group metals, often found alongside platinum, palladium, and rhodium.
  • Ruthenium's name is derived from the Latin word "Ruthenia," meaning Russia.


In conclusion, ruthenium stands as a captivating element with a rich tapestry of properties and applications. Its role in various industries, coupled with ongoing research into its potential medical uses, solidifies its importance in the world of science and technology.

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