Tropaeolum Majus (Garden Nasturtium): How to Plant, Grow and Care Nasturtium
Tropaeolum Majus (Garden Nasturtium)
Nasturtiums are a colorful and I'm easy-to-grow flower. Their colorful blooms, edible leaves, petals, and seedpods make them a great companion plant in the yard and a delightful flower for kids to plant. Here's how to grow nasturtiums at home.
Tropaeolum majus, also known as the garden nasturtium, nasturtium, Indian cress, or monks cress, is a blooming plant that originated in the Andes, from Bolivia to Colombia. It's a cultivated, possibly hybrid annual or short-lived perennial with disc-shaped leaves and beautiful orange or red flowers that's easy to grow. It is not linked to the Nasturtium genus (which includes watercress).
California, New York, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Virginia are among the states where the species has become naturalised, as are sections of Europe and Asia, Africa, and Australia. It is considered invasive in Hawaii and Australia's Lord Howe Island.
Garden Nasturtium Family, Genus & Synonyms
Family: Tropaeolaceae
Genus: Tropaeolum
Species: T. majus
- Cardamindum majus (L.) Moench
- Nasturtium indicum Garsault
- Tropaeolum elatum Salisb.
- Tropaeolum hortense Sparre
- Tropaeolum hybridum L.
- Tropaeolum pinnatum Andrews
- Tropaeolum quinquelobum Bergius
- Trophaeum majus (L.) Kuntze
Nasturtium indicum ("Indian nasturtium") was the original name for the plant, however it is not connected to the actual Nasturtium genus.
Ecology of Nasturtium
The larvae of various Lepidoptera species, such as the dot moth and the garden carpet moth, feed on the garden nasturtium. The larva of the huge white or cabbage white butterfly is a widespread pest on nasturtiums.
Cultivation & Uses of Nasturtium
Tropaeolum majus varieties are commonly grown as easy annual plants in full sun in poor, moist soil. Individually, the huge seeds are simple to handle.
They should be sown under glass in the heat and planted out after all threat of frost has gone, as they do not withstand heavy frost. Alternatively, because they grow quickly, they can be seeded in place in May or June.
Many floral colours are available, ranging from cream through yellow, orange, red, and maroon in the warm spectrum. The leaves of some have a lot of ornamental marbling.
The Royal Horticultural Society has given the Whirlybird Series and Alaska Series the Award of Garden Merit.
Culinary Uses of Nasturtium
All of the plant's above-ground portions are edible.
The blossom is most commonly consumed, making it a very attractive salad component; it has a slightly peppery flavour similar to watercress and is also used in stir fry. The blooms have about 130 mg of vitamin C per 100 g (3+12 oz), which is nearly the same as parsley. Furthermore, they contain up to 45 mg of lutein per 100 g, the greatest concentration of any food plant. Unripe seed pods can be picked and soaked in spiced vinegar to make a condiment and garnish, which is occasionally substituted for capers.
Used in Traditional Medicine
The plant was utilised medicinally by some native South Americans, owing to its antibiotic and antibacterial characteristics. It was used to cure urinary and genital infections by some Europeans.
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