Heart Attack
When the heart muscle isn't receiving enough blood, it can suffer from a heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction.
The more time that elapses without receiving care to reestablish blood flow, the more harm the heart muscle has endured.
Heart attacks are typically brought on by coronary artery disease (CAD). A coronary artery that has undergone a significant spasm, or abrupt contraction, which can block blood flow to the heart muscle, is a less frequent reason.
Symptoms of Heart attack
The following are the main symptoms of a heart attack:
- Chest discomfort or agony-Chest pain on the left or centre sides that lasts for more than a few minutes or that fades and reappears is the main symptom of heart attacks. A painful pressure, squeezing, fullness, or other unpleasant sensation could be the source of the discomfort.
- Feeling shaky, lightheaded, or faint. You can also start to perspire heavily.
- Back, neck, or jaw discomfort or pain.
- You may experience pain or discomfort in one or both arms or shoulders.
- Respiration difficulty. Shortness of breath can occur before to chest discomfort, although it also frequently occurs together with it.
The signs of a heart attack can also include unusually high levels of exhaustion, nausea, or vomiting. These additional symptoms are more prevalent in females. Find out more about female heart disease.
Heart Attack Care
If you have symptoms of a heart attack, call your doctor. Call doctor right once if you or someone else exhibits signs of a heart attack. The sooner you visit an emergency room, the sooner you can begin receiving treatment to lessen the degree of heart muscle damage. In the hospital, medical staff can do tests to determine the best course of action and determine whether a heart attack is indeed occurring.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or an electrical shock (defibrillation) to the heart may be necessary in some heart attack instances to restart the heart's pumping action. Until emergency medical personnel arrive, bystanders who have been trained to use CPR or a defibrillator might be able to assist.
Keep in mind that the sooner emergency treatment is given, the higher the odds of surviving a heart attack are.
Risk factors for heart Attack
Numerous medical conditions, your way of life, your age, and your family history can all raise your chance of developing heart disease and having a heart attack. They're known as risk factors. The three primary risk factors for heart disease—high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking—affect around half of all Americans. 2
Some heart attack risk factors, including your age or family history, are unchangeable. But you can lower your risk by changing the factors that are within your power.
Your heart can be damage or you may die if you've had a heart attack. This may affect your heart's ability to pump blood throughout your body with required pressure or quantity and its rhythm. You can also be susceptible to diseases like a stroke or another heart attack.
Heart Attack Prevention
According to the American Heart Association, the important actions for enhancing and preserving cardiovascular health are known as the "Life's Essential 8." The risk of heart disease, stroke, and other serious health issues can be reduced with improved cardiovascular health.
Updates about heart attack in 2022
- Includes sleep as a factor in heart health.
- Develops a new diet evaluation guide.
- Reflects the use of vaping and passive smoking.
- Control blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
The following activities can help you reduce
risk of heart attack:
Eat Healthy Food
Aim for a balanced diet that is high in whole foods, plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, nuts, seeds, and non-tropical oils like olive and canola for frying.
Know more about healthy eating
Be More Active
Adults should engage in 75 minutes of strenuous exercise or 2 12 hours of moderate activity each week. Every day, children should spend 60 minutes doing structured activities and playing.
Quit Tobacco
The most common preventable cause of
mortality in the United States, including roughly one-third of all heart
disease deaths, is the use of inhaled nicotine delivery products, which
includes conventional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and vaping. Additionally, a
third of American children between the ages of 3 and 11 are exposed to
secondhand smoke or vaping.
Get Healthy Sleep
Adults ae required to sleep 7-9 hours per night for boost immunity. Children need more sleep than adults do: children 5 and younger need 10–16 hours, including naps; ages 6–12 need 9–12 hours; and ages 13–18 need 8–10 hours. Getting enough sleep lowers the chance of developing chronic diseases or heart attack, enhances brain function, and promotes recovery.
Control weight
There are numerous advantages to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Body mass index, which measures your weight in terms of your height, is a helpful indicator. BMI of 25 is ideal. Online calculators or professional medical advice are both options.
Know more about how to control weight
Control Cholesterol
Heart disease can result from having high non-HDL, or "bad," cholesterol levels. Instead of monitoring total cholesterol, your healthcare provider may recommend monitoring non-HDL cholesterol because it may be checked without a prior fast and is consistently computed across all individuals.
Control blood sugar levels
Our bodies convert the majority of the food we eat into glucose (also known as blood sugar), which is used as energy. The high glucose level in blood is dangerous and your heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves can all suffer major damage with the time. Monitoring haemoglobin A1c as part of testing can provide a more accurate picture of long-term control in persons with diabetes or prediabetes.
Know more how to control weight
Manage Blood Pressure
You may live longer in better health if you manage your blood pressure within reasonable limits. The ideal range is less than 120/80 mm Hg. A value of 130-139 mm Hg systolic pressure or 80-89 mm Hg diastolic pressure is considered to be high blood pressure (bottom number).
Know more about Blood pressure control
Cardiac rehabilitation
A cardiac rehabilitation programme should be taken part in by anyone recovering from a heart attack, heart failure, or other heart problem that necessitates surgery or medical attention.
A closely watched programme called cardiac
rehab consists of:
- Physical activity-With your healthcare team, go over your regular routines at work and at home. Your doctor may advise you to avoid work, travel, or sexual activity after a heart attack.
- Information on leading a healthy lifestyle, such as how to take prescribed medications, eat well, and give up smoking
- counselling to create techniques for reducing stress and enhancing mental health
You might benefit from the help of your
cardiac rehab team, fitness and nutrition experts, physical therapists,
counsellors, or other mental health professionals.