Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) is a South American rain forest tree in the
family Lecythidaceae, and it is also the name of the tree's commercially harvested
edible seeds. In the Amazon jungle, it is one of the biggest and most durable
trees. Large in size, the fruit and its nutshell — which contains the edible
Brazil nut — may weigh up to 2 kg in total. Brazil nuts are significant as food
because they contain a variety of minerals, particularly a lot of selenium.
Brazil nut tree wood is highly valuable for its excellence in heavy
construction, flooring, and other carpentry uses.
Brazil Nuts Common Names
nuts are referred to as castaas de Brasil, nuez de Brasil, or castaas de Pará
in a number of Spanish-speaking nations in South America (or Para). They go by
a variety of names in Brazil, but "castanha-do-pará" (Portuguese for
"chestnuts from Pará") is the most popular.
nuts were occasionally referred to as "nigger toes" in North America
as early as 1896, a slang phrase that eventually lost use as the racist epithet
became socially undesirable.
Brazil nut tree is a sizable tree that grows up to 160 feet tall and has a
trunk that ranges in diameter from 3 to 7 feet, making it one of the biggest
trees in the Amazon jungle. It frequently lives to be a thousand years old and
can live for 500 years or more. With a huge, emergent crown of long branches
rising above the surrounding canopy of other trees, the stem is straight and
frequently without branches for well over half the tree's height.
and grey, the bark is. The leaves are oblong, alternating, simple, whole or
crenate, dry-season deciduous, dry-season deciduous, 8-14 in long, and 4-6 in
broad. Small, greenish-white flowers with six uneven cream-colored petals are
seen in panicles that are 2-4 inches long. Each bloom has a two-parted,
deciduous calyx.
Origin of Brazil Nuts
The Guianas, Venezuela, Brazil, eastern Colombia, eastern Peru, and eastern Bolivia are the native home of the Brazil nut. It grows in huge forests along the banks of the Amazon River, Rio Negro, Tapajós, and Orinoco as scatted trees.
a result, in Northern and Northeastern Brazil, you can find them close to roads
and streets, in backyards of homes, and outside of producing regions. The fruit
is hard and heavy, and when it falls, it poses a major risk to passing cars and
Brazil Nut Fruit
Because disturbed forests lack the large-bodied bees of the genera Bombus, Centris, Epicharis, Eulaema, and Xylocopa, which are the only ones capable of pollinating the tree's flowers, Brazil nut trees almost exclusively produce fruit in pristine forests. Different bee genera are the primary pollinators in different areas and at different times of the year. Plantations have produced brazil nuts, however the production is small and not now commercially feasible.
the blooms have been pollinated, it takes the fruit 14 months to mature. The
fruit itself is a big, 4-6 in. diameter capsule that can weigh up to 2 kg and
is similar in size to a coconut endocarp. It features a hard, woody shell that
is 8–12 mm thick and eight to 24 wedge-shaped seeds that are 4-5 cm long (the
"Brazil nuts") that are arranged in whorls, much like the segments of
an orange. The polar ends of the middle whorl segment nestle into the upper and
lower whorls, allowing up to three whorls to be stacked on top of one another.
Large rodents like the agouti can nibble through the capsule because it has a tiny hole at one end. The seeds within are then divided between consumption and storage; some of the latter can grow into new Brazil nut trees. Agoutis "plant" the majority of the seeds in caches during the wet season, and the new saplings may have to wait years in a dormant state before a tree falls and sunshine reaches them before they can begin to grow again. It has been seen that capuchin monkeys use a stone as an anvil to crack Brazil nuts open.
Brazil Nuts Nutrition
nuts have 66% fat, 14% protein, 3% water, and 12% carbs (table). 16% of the fat
is saturated, followed by 24% monounsaturated and 24% polyunsaturated.
nuts have 659 calories per 100 grammes (3.5 oz) and are a good source of
dietary fibre (30% DV), thiamin (54% DV), vitamin E (38% DV), magnesium (106%
DV), phosphorus (104% DV), manganese (57% DV), and zinc (43% DV) (20% or more
of the Daily Value, DV). Potassium, calcium, and iron are present in moderate
concentrations (10–19% DV).
just 28 g (1 oz) delivering 544 micrograms of selenium, or 10 times the DV of
55 micrograms (see table for USDA source), Brazil nuts are a particularly rich
source of selenium. The selenium content of different batches of nuts, however,
may differ significantly.
on selenium intake and insufficiency use the high selenium concentration as a
biomarker. In obese individuals, consuming just one Brazil nut per day for
eight weeks was sufficient to raise HDL cholesterol and restore selenium blood
Brazil Nut Nutritional
value per 100 g |
Energy |
656 kcal |
Carbohydrate |
12.27 g |
Dietary fiber |
7.5 g |
Protein |
14.32 g |
66.43 g |
Saturated |
15.13 g |
Monosaturated |
25.48 g |
Polyunsaturated |
20.57 g |
Vitamins Quantity %DV† |
Vitamin A |
54% |
Thiamine (B1) |
3% |
Riboflavin (B2) |
2% |
Niacin (B3 |
9% |
Vitamin B6 |
8% |
Foliate (B9) |
6% |
Vitamin C |
1% |
Vitamin E |
38% |
Minerals Quantity %DV† |
Calcium |
16% |
Iron |
19% |
Magnesium |
106% |
Manganese |
57% |
Phosphorus |
104% |
Potassium |
14% |
Zinc |
43% |
Selenium |
1917 μg |
Brazil Nuts Health Benefits
a trace mineral essential for healthy bodily operation, is abundant in Brazil
promotes thyroid health and aids in maintaining optimal immune system
performance. A stronger immune system and better results with a variety of
illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, infections, and infertility, are
two benefits of higher serum selenium levels. It is just as effective to eat
two Brazil nuts daily to maintain or increase your selenium intake as it is to
take supplements.
E and phenols are only two of the antioxidants found in Brazil nuts. By
scavenging free radicals, antioxidants can lessen oxidative stress and
inflammation in your body. Your chance of developing a number of diseases, including
diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer, can be decreased by reducing
nuts also have additional health advantages, such as:
Thyroid health
maintain proper thyroid function, selenium is required. Including adequate
selenium in your diet can lower your risk of thyroid cancer, Graves' disease,
and Hashimoto's disease.
Reduced Heart Disease Risk
nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, a type of good fat. Your cholesterol
levels can be raised by adding monounsaturated fat to your diet, which can
lower your risk of heart disease. Brazil nuts' high quantities of dietary fibre
can also aid in lowering blood cholesterol levels, which lowers the risk of
heart disease and stroke.
Management of Diabetes
to certain research, selenium from Brazil nuts may assist type 2 diabetics'
blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin sensitivity and lowering insulin
Relief from Inflammation
E and phenols are only two of the antioxidants found in Brazil nuts. By
scavenging free radicals, antioxidants can lessen oxidative stress and
inflammation in your body. Your chance of developing a number of diseases,
including diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer, can be decreased
by reducing inflammation.
Bone Health
and calcium, which are both essential for strong bones, can be found in Brazil
nuts. Magnesium, which is crucial for bone density, is present in roughly 25%
to 33% of the required daily intake in one ounce of Brazil nuts. Bone density
may increase with increased magnesium intake.
Brain Health
selenium levels have been linked to neurological diseases like Parkinson's and
Alzheimer's. Selenium and other antioxidants found in Brazil nuts can support
better brain health. Increasing your selenium consumption can also assist to
boost your mood, according to some research.
Other uses
In the production of paint, clocks, and cosmetics, brazil nut oil is utilised as a lubricant. The Brazil nutshell is used frequently as an abrasive to polish objects like metals and ceramics because of its hardness, same to how jeweler's rouge is used.
Availability of Brazil Nut
Brazil nuts can be purchased at your nearest supermarket or online; Amazon also sells all types of nuts and seeds online, including Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts' price varies from Indian rupees 2,000 per kilogramme to rupees 3,000 per kilogramme depending on the geography of the area
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