The pecan (Carya illinoinensis) is a species of hickory that is indigenous to the Mississippi River basin in southern America and northern Mexico. The southern United States, particularly Georgia, New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico, where about half of the world's supply is produced, are where the tree is grown for its seed. The edible seed is a nut that is utilised in pecan pie, praline candy, and other dishes as well as snacks. The pecan is not only the official tree of Texas but also the state nut of Alabama, Arkansas, California, and Texas.
The name "pecan" is derived from an Algonquin word that could mean pecans, walnuts, or hickory nuts.
Pecan nuts in Hindi called as (à¤िदुरकाष्ठफल) Bhidurakaashth Phal.
Description & Growth
The pecan is a nut produced by hickory trees that are indigenous to southern and northern Mexico. The nut is an incredible source of vitamins and minerals.
The pecan tree is a sizable deciduous tree that can reach heights of 66–131 feet, occasionally 44–144 feet. It normally has a spread of 39 to 75 feet and a trunk diameter of up to 6 feet 7 inches. In ideal circumstances, a 10-year-old sapling will reach a height of roughly 16 feet. The leaves are pinnate with 9–17 leaflets that are each 5–12 cm long and 2–6 cm wide, alternating, and 12–18 in long.
A pecan is technically a drupe, a fruit with a single stone or pit encased in a husk, unlike the fruit of all other species of the hickory genus. The exocarp tissue of the flower is where the husks are generated, but the endocarp is where the nut, which houses the seed, develops. The husk itself is aeneous, or oval to oblong in shape, and brassy greenish-gold in hue. When the outer husk reaches maturity, it changes from green to brown and splits into four pieces, releasing the thin-shelled seed.
Pecans Uses
Pecan seeds have a taste similar to butter and are edible. They can be consumed raw or used in cooking, especially when making sweet sweets like pecan pie, a favourite in the South of the United States. Additionally popular is the flavour of butter pecan in ice cream, pastries, and cookies. American praline confectionery frequently contains pecans. Pecan butter and oil are two more ingredients you can use when preparing food with nuts.
Pecan wood gives grilled foods a sweet and nutty flavour that is stronger than that of many fruit woods. It is also used to flavour the fuel used to smoke meats.
Pecan Nutrition
There are 4% of water, 72% fat, 9% protein, and 14% carbs in one pecan nut (see table). Pecans are a rich source of dietary fibre (38% DV), manganese (214% DV), magnesium (34% DV), phosphorus (40% DV), zinc (48% DV), and thiamine (57% DV) and provide 690 calories for 100 g of reference (table). Iron and B vitamins are moderately abundant (10–19% DV) in pecans. Oleic acid, which makes up 57% of the total fat in pecans, and linoleic acid, which makes up 30% of the total fat, are the primary monounsaturated fatty acids.
Pecans Nutrition Facts
Pecan Health Benefits
Pecan nuts are frequently used as an ingredient in appetisers, desserts, and main courses because of their rich, buttery flavour.
Multiple vital nutrients can be found in abundance in pecans. They are a good source of fibre in particular, as well as copper, thiamine, and zinc.
Pecans have been associated with numerous health benefits, including the following:
Heart Health
Pecan nuts are a good source of calcium, magnesium, potassium and other important nutrients, which help lower blood pressure.
Most of the fat found in pecan nuts is a healthy type called monounsaturated fat. Bad LDL cholesterol levels can be decreased by substituting foods high in monounsaturated fat with meals high in saturated fat. Lowering your LDL cholesterol lowers your chances of a heart attack or stroke.
Diabetes Management
Nuts can help people with diabetes avert heart problems, according to studies. When you are hungry, eating an ounce of nuts makes you feel full and makes it simpler to avoid high-carb items and control your blood sugar levels.
Due to its extremely low glycemic index, pecans do not raise blood sugar levels, even in those who have diabetes. When included in the same meal as other foods with a higher glycemic index, pecans can even counteract their effects.
Arthritis Relief
Pecans also contain Omega-3 fats, which through lowering inflammation, might lessen the discomfort associated with arthritis. Pecans also have anti-inflammatory qualities because of their magnesium, calcium, fibre, vitamin E, and zinc content.
Disease Prevention
Pecans contain zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin E, all of which help the immune system and enable the body to fight off infections and heal damage. Pecans also contain folate, which protects against DNA alterations that would otherwise result in cancer.
The cell damage that results in cancer, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease can be prevented by antioxidants. Pecans placed in the top 20 of a list of over 100 foods assessed by their antioxidant content by the USDA.
Boost Immunity
Pecans include phytonutrients, which are plant-based substances with potent antioxidant properties. Additionally, they are a good source of zinc, a mineral that is essential for the growth and operation of immune cells. Zinc-rich diets are associated with a lower risk of numerous diseases, especially those that are age- and lifestyle-related. Additionally, eating foods rich in ellagic acid, an antioxidant present in pecans, is linked to a lower risk of developing various malignancies.
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