

Kale | Health Benefits of Kale and Nutrition Facts


Kale | Kale Vegetable

Kale is a leafy vegetables packed with as healthy nutrients and vitamins. Although some are used as ornamentals, kale, sometimes known as leaf cabbage, is one of a group of cabbage cultivars produced for their edible leaves. The core leaves of kale plants do not form a head, and they have green or purple leaves.

The majority of the numerous domesticated varieties of Brassica oleracea are thought to be more closely related to wild cabbage than kale.

Origin of Kale

Kale was first planted for food in the eastern Mediterranean and Anatolia by no later than 2000 BCE. In Greece in the fourth century BC, flat-leaved and curly-leaved cabbage cultivars were both in use. These varieties, known as Sabellian kale by the Romans, are regarded as the forerunners of contemporary kales.

The first mention of cabbages in western Europe dates to the 13th century and refers to hard-heading cabbage. Records from England's 14th century make a distinction between loose-leaf kale and hard-heading cabbage.

Types of Kale

Kale can be flat or curly, or it might have a bluish tint mixed in with the green. The all types of Kale are unique and easily identifiable.

The types include:

  • The most common kale cultivar has ruffled, curly, vivid green leaves.
  • Dinosaur kale has a robust stalk and narrow, wrinkled, green leaves.
  • The redbor kale has ruffled leaves that range in colour from dark red to purple.

There are many different varieties of kale, like Red Russian Kale, Chinese Kale, Siberian Kale and they should be available at most big-box supermarkets and lots of farmers markets. In a yard or even just a few containers on a patio, kale can be cultivated.

Whether you buy kale from a shop or collect it from your own backyard, look for dark, crisp leaves. Before cooking or eating the stalks, remove the leaves.


When grown from seed, kale is often an annual plant that can germinate at a variety of temperatures. It can endure temperatures as low as -15.0° Celsius and flourishes in the winter. After a severe frost, kale might acquire a sweeter flavour.

Nutritional value of Kale

Kale contains 84% water, 9% carbs, 4% protein, and 1% fat when it is raw. A 100g serving of raw kale contains 3.7 times the Daily Value (DV) of vitamin K and 207 kilojoules (49 kilocalories) of dietary energy. It contains multivitamins vitamin like vitamin A, C, B6, folate, and manganese (which is 20% or more of the DV). Thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, and a number of dietary minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, are all found in kale in good amounts (10–19% DV). Most of these nutrients are reduced when raw kale is boiled, although vitamin A, C, and K values and manganese levels are still very high.


Lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids, are found in kale (tables). Similar to broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, kale includes glucosinolate substances including glucoraphanin, which helps to create sulforaphane, a substance that is now being investigated for its potential to have positive effects on human health.

Kale's glucosinate content reduces when it is boiled, but not when it is steamed, microwaved, or stir-fried. Oxalic acid, which is abundant in kale, can be diminished by boiling.

Ferulic acid, one of the high concentrations of polyphenols found in kale, is present in different amounts depending on environmental and genetic factors.

Kale Uses

His superfood has been a staple of many European countries' diets since the Roman era. The Kale vegetable is a member of the same family as collards, broccoli, and cauliflower are present, all these vegetable vare belongs to the cabbage family.

Kale is more well-liked food than ever and is a powerhouse of nutrients.

Kale Health Benefits

The following nutritious nutrients and vitamins are abundant in kale and are good for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The following amazing qualities apply to kale:

  • Vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin A all play vital roles in maintaining healthy bones, eyes, and immune system function (good for blood clotting and bone building)
  • B vitamin folate, essential for brain development

  • Omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid. (Kale is best food to include some of this beneficial fat in your daily diet, although having far less omega-3 than fish.)

  • The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which give kale its deep, dark green colour and prevent cataracts and macular degeneration, minerals such as calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and potassium also found rich in Kale.

Boost immunity

In addition to vitamins E and beta-carotene, kale also has twice as much selenium and four times as much vitamin C as spinach. All of these are crucial for building a strong immune system.

Healthy Bone

Many of the nutrients missing from our modern diets are found in kale. It has low levels of oxalate, a natural substance that makes calcium more soluble, and is a rich source of plant-based calcium, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Kale is a strong source of vitamin K, which research indicates supports healthy bone metabolism when combined with vitamin D.

Healthy Heart

Numerous minerals included in kale promote heart health, including potassium, which keeps blood pressure in a healthy range. The fact that kale includes chemicals that bind to cholesterol to help control levels is another advantage. Studies indicate that you can still gain these advantages by juicing or steaming kale.

Prevent Cancer

In addition to being nutrient-dense, kale is abundant in compounds that prevent cancer, like sulforaphane and indol-3-carbonol. Although studies seem encouraging, there is still more for us to discover.

Improve Eye Sight

Lutein and zeaxanthin, two phytonutrients that assist eye and vision health, are abundant in kale. Consuming enough of these nutrients reduces the incidence of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Side effects

Kale is a significant source of vitamin K, therefore anyone using anticoagulant drugs (also known as blood thinners) should think about how much they eat. Generally speaking, it is advised to try to maintain a roughly constant dietary intake while using this drug. Before making any large dietary changes, consult your doctor.

Kale and other cruciferous vegetables should only be consumed in moderation by those with thyroid conditions or those taking thyroid medication. They might interfere with the thyroid's capacity to absorb iodine, therefore. In spite of this, kale poses a decreased danger because to its low concentrations of these goitrogenic substances.

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